3 Sample Leave Of Absence Letters (And Do’s And Don’ts of Writing)

Leave of absence letter request with examples

When requesting a leave of absence from work, be sure you know your company policies and state laws regarding your work absence and then determine how long you are going to be gone. Here is a more detailed list of how to request a leave of absence from work:

  1. Know your company policies and state laws regarding work absences. The first thing you’re going to want to do is check your employee handbook and become familiar with your company’s policies on leaves of absence. See what the leave benefits are (if there are any). Check whether or not your company will still pay you during this leave and plan accordingly. You’ll also want to know what your state and federal laws say about employee leaves of absence. The Family and Medical Leave Act entitles certain employees to take job-protected leave, which you can learn more about here. There are also varying state laws that may require specific language or forms.
  2. Determine the time frame. Your second step is determining how long you will need time off of work. Keep in mind that you’re going to need to justify each day taken off, and your supervisors are not likely to approve a leave of absence that requests an excessive amount of time off without good reason. If you have a doctor’s note or other documentation specifying the amount of time you need off, be sure to include that and factor it in. There are some cases where you may not know the exact date you will be able to return to work, such as when you or a loved one you are the caregiver for is experiencing a medical condition with an unknown recovery time. In these situations, try to give an expected return date and stay in contact with your management with any changes.
  3. Meet with your supervisor to discuss your absence. As soon as you determine that you need a leave of absence and the general timeline, meet with your direct supervisor to discuss your request. Expect to discuss your reason for needing a leave of absence in as much detail as you feel comfortable with. Your supervisor will work with you to create a plan for how best to handle your absence. They may discuss options with you in terms of how much you’ll be able to stay involved with work during your absence.
  4. Consider your options. After meeting with your supervisor, consider the options you discussed or the available options. You may have the opportunity to temporarily reduce work hours, work from home, or other measures in which you will still be working but with added flexibility for your circumstances. If you cannot do this, consider the extent to which you will be reachable during your leave of absence and what steps you can take to ease this transition.
  5. Create your leave of absence letter. Finally — after considering all of the above steps — you’ll create your formal letter notifying your boss of your leave of absence. Craft this letter for your supervisor and whomever else you are required to notify formally. You’ll want to be as open, honest, and transparent as possible so that you and your supervisors remain on the same page. However, you don’t need to share anything you aren’t comfortable sharing. When in doubt, just say “personal reasons.”
  6. Tell your team. After sending your letter, decide with your supervisor how you will inform your colleagues of your absence. You may need to tell them personally, or someone may take care of it for you. Be sure to give adequate notice to any coworkers who work directly with you or otherwise depend upon your work. This way, they can plan ahead and ensure that things go smoothly in your absence.

Example letters for leave of absence

Your letters should be sent after meeting and discussing your absence with your direct supervisor, but prior to discussing this absence with your coworkers. Here are some examples of letters for a leave of absence for different scenarios you may encounter:

    Leave of absence email request example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Megan Gordon] February 19, 2021 Dear Sharon, I’m writing to request a formal leave of absence from work starting next month due to a recent family emergency. I plan to take this leave from March 8, 2023, through April 2, 2023. I plan to return to work on April 5, 2023. As discussed, this is a tentative date based on my current family circumstances. I will update you with adequate notice if I need to create a plan for returning to work at a later date. In preparation for my leave, I am willing to train my colleagues to complete projects in my absence and communicate with my clients. During my leave, I will be available periodically to answer urgent questions through email or cell phone. Thank you for your assistance in this process and your consideration. Regards,
Megan Gordon

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Treyvon Moore] June 1, 2021 Dear Ms. King, I am submitting this request for a leave of absence following an upcoming medical procedure on June 26. My doctor requires a recovery period of two weeks, so my leave will begin on June 28 and end on July 9, 2023. I have attached her signed recommendation. As per my doctor’s orders, I will be able to return to work on July 12, 2023. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in covering my workload during my absence. Thank you for your time and understanding. Best regards,
Treyvon Moore

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Elena Forbes] Dear Mr. Gilbert, I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my position at XYZ Company from August 31 to September 15, 2023. The reason for this leave is due to personal circumstances that require my immediate attention and presence. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence and minimizing any disruption to the team’s operations. During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are completed or handed over to a designated colleague. I am confident that my colleagues have the expertise to manage any unexpected situations that may arise in my absence. I am also open to being available for consultation via email or phone to address any urgent matters that may require my input. Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete in order to finalize this request. Sincerely,
Elena Forbes
(123) 456-7890

Leave of absence letter template

Here is a template for a leave of absence request that gives an example of how you might format a written letter.

Leave of Absence Written Letter Example

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
[Other Relevant Contact Information]

December 8, 2020

[Your Supervisor’s Name]
[Company or Organization]
[Company or Organization Address]
Dear [Supervisor’s name],

This is a formal written request notifying of my intention to take a two-week leave of absence for personal reasons. As discussed in our meeting yesterday, I hope to take this leave from [start date] through [return date] if this is still a timeframe that works for you.

I will be able to return to work on [return date].

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in making preparations for my absence. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any further questions.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.

[4 lines of blank space for a written signature]
[Your name]

What is the family and medical leave act?

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal labor law established in 1993. The FMLA’s purpose is to protect employees who have genuine private concerns outside of work that they need to take time off from work. There are several key points to FMLA that you will want to understand when requesting a leave of absence:

The FMLA is the absolute minimum that companies of this size must follow. Many organizations choose to offer much more generous leave packages, especially for those leaving for parental leave.

Do’s and don’ts for requesting a leave of absence

When giving your leave of absence letter, you should give plenty of notice and be sure to inform your boss first. Here are some more general rules of thumb when requesting a leave of absence.

Give your supervisors and your team time to plan for your absence by submitting your request as soon as possible.

You don’t want your supervisor to feel like you are keeping secrets, as this can erode trust. So be sure to tell her of your plans before you tell others.

Try to let your team know explicitly how you can help in preparation for and during your absence. Be helpful to others in whatever capacity you are able, as your absence may increase their workload.

Common reasons to request a leave of absence

Having a new child, medical reasons, or a death in the family are some of the most common reasons to request a leave of absence. Some more common reasons to request a leave of absence outside of normal PTO include:

Leave of absence FAQs

  1. What does it mean to take a leave of absence?A leave of absence is an extended period of time off from work that is due to circumstances not covered by PTO or sick days. A leave of absence is usually longer than what either your PTO or sick days would cover. It is usually the result of out-of-the-ordinary circumstances such as childbirth, death in the family, or medical reasons.
  2. Is a leave of absence better than quitting?Yes, a leave of absence is better than quitting. If you know you will want to return to your job, or even if you don’t know, but you consider it a possibility, then a leave of absence is a good choice. Quitting your job is final, which will make your professional circumstances much harder down the line.
  3. How do you ask for a leave of absence?To ask for a leave of absence:

These steps ensure you ask for leave of absence in a professional, thought-out manner.


  1. U.S. Department of Labor – Family and Medical Leave Act
  2. Office of Personnel Management – Fact Sheet: Family and Medical Leave

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