Sheriff of Preston County Paul “Moe” Pritt from Terra Alta, West Virginia is a graduate of East Preston Senior High and Fairmont State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Political Science. He was first employed at the Preston County Sheriff’s Office in 1993 and graduated from the West Virginia State Police Academy in 1994 as a certified law enforcement officer. Sheriff Pritt has been a Law Enforcement Instructor for pistol, rifle, shotgun; radar/lidar; pepper spray, expandable batons and other disciplines. Sheriff Pritt has completed well over 700 additional annual in-service credit hours training in criminal investigations, policy, management, law enforcement oversight, liability, budget and human resources and other policing aspects. Sheriff Pritt is a life-long resident of Preston County and believes in giving back to the community. “I have been a police officer in Preston County over 27 years.” “I have been a youth league coach and board member for over 20 years, coaching T-ball, little league baseball as well as little league and pony league girls fast pitch softball. I am currently the girls fast pitch softball head coach at Preston High, a role I took in 2019 after being a volunteer coach.” Sheriff Pritt has trained numerous officers, has investigated serious crimes from murder and sexual assault to traffic offenses and shoplifting complaints. Accountability, appropriate response to reported crimes, seeing that matters are thoroughly investigated for successful prosecutions is paramount. “Fiscal responsibility, utilizing personnel efficiently, ultimately leading to a reduction in crime is my goal as well as aggressively attacking those that prey on our citizens; fair, impartial and professional dealings with the public, representing Preston County and all its citizens equally.”
© Preston County Sheriff's Office 2021
103 West Main Street Kingwood, West Virginia, 26537
P: (304) 329.1611