What is the most important thing for all life on Earth? Arguably, it is water (arguably, because a lot of other things are needed for life, too). From the smallest bacteria to the largest trees, all forms of life on Earth depend on water for survival. Although you could likely go a few weeks without eating, people cannot survive for more than a few days without drinking water.
Besides drinking and washing, people need water for agriculture, industry, household uses, and recreation (Figure below). Recreational use and environmental use average 1% each.
Water used for home, industrial, and agricultural purposes in different regions. Globally more than two-thirds of water is for agriculture.
Water use can be consumptive or non-consumptive, depending on whether the water is lost to the ecosystem.
Non-consumptive water use also includes water that is used for recreation, such as whitewater rafting on these rapids.
A large amount of the water that comes out of these sprinklers is consumptive because it is lost to evaporation and runoff.
Some of the world’s farmers still farm without irrigation by choosing crops that match the amount of rain that falls in their area. But some years are wet and others are dry. For farmers to avoid years in which they produce little or no food, many of the world’s crops are produced using irrigation.
Two popular irrigation methods are:
Both of these methods waste water. Between 15% and 36% percent of the water never reaches the crops because it evaporates or leaves the fields as runoff (Figure below). Water that runs off a field often takes valuable soil with it. So why do people use these methods?
Flood irrigation is similarly wasteful of water. This farm is in the Arizona desert where evaporation greatly exceeds precipitation.
A much more efficient way to water crops is drip irrigation (Figure below). With drip irrigation, pipes and tubes deliver small amounts of water directly to the soil at the roots of each plant or tree. The water is not sprayed into the air or over the ground so nearly all of it goes directly into the soil and plant roots.
Drip irrigation delivers water to the base of each plant so little is lost to evaporation and runoff.
So back to the question, why do farmers use wasteful irrigation methods when water-efficient methods are available? Many farmers and farming corporations have not switched to more efficient irrigation methods for two reasons:
1. Drip irrigation and other more efficient irrigation methods are more expensive than sprinklers, trenches, and flooding
2. In the United States and some other countries, the government pays for much of the cost of the water that is used for agriculture. Because farmers do not pay the full cost of their water use, they do not have any financial incentive to use less water.
What ideas can you come up with to encourage farmers to use more efficient irrigation systems?
Aquaculture is a different type of agriculture. Aquaculture is farming to raise fish, shellfish, algae, or aquatic plants (Figure below). As the supplies of fish from lakes, rivers, and the oceans dwindle, people are getting more fish from aquaculture. Raising fish increases our food resources and is especially valuable where protein sources are limited.
Workers at a fish farm harvest fish they will sell to stores. The next time you pass the fish display in the grocery store, look for labels for “farm raised” fish.
Growing fish in a large scale requires that the fish stocks are healthy and protected from predators. The species raised must be hearty, inexpensive to feed, and able to reproduce in captivity (Figure below). Wastes must be flushed out to keep animals healthy. Raising shellfish at farms can also be successful.
This salmon farm in British Columbia keeps young fish for up to two years.
For some species, aquaculture is very successful and environmental harm is minimal. But for other species, aquaculture can cause problems. Natural landscapes, such as mangroves, which are rich ecosystems and also protect coastlines from storm damage, may be lost to fish farms (Figure below). For fish farmers, keeping costs down may be a problem since coastal land may be expensive and labor costs may be high. Large predatory fish at the 4th or 5th trophic level must eat a lot, so feeding large numbers of these fish is expensive and environmentally costly. Farmed fish are genetically different from wild stocks and if they escape into the wild they may cause problems for native fish. Because the organisms live so close together, parasites are common and may also escape into the wild.
Shrimp farms on the coast of Ecuador are shown as blue rectangles. Mangrove forests, salt flats, and salt marshes have been converted to shrimp farms.
Industrial water use accounts for an estimated 15% of worldwide water use with a much greater percentage in developed nations. Industrial uses of water include power plants that use water to cool their equipment, and oil refineries that use water for chemical processes. Manufacturing is also water intensive (Figure below).
A power plant in Poland sits on the edge of a lake with easy access to water for cooling and other purposes.
Think about all the ways you use water in a day (Figure below). You need to count the water you drink, cook with, bathe in, garden with, let run down the drain, or flush down the toilet. In developed countries, people use a lot of water while in less developed countries people use much less. Globally, household or personal water use is estimated to account for 15% of world-wide water use.
Domestic water use.
Some household water uses are non-consumptive, because water is recaptured in sewer systems, treated, and returned to surface water supplies for reuse. Many things can be done to lower water consumption at home.
In what other ways can you use less water at home?
People love water for swimming, fishing, boating, river rafting, and other activities (Figure below). Even activities such as golf, where there may not be any standing water, require plenty of water to make the grass on the course green. Despite its value, the amount of water that most recreational activities use is low: less than 1% of all the water we use.
Swimming is a non-consumptive water activity.
Many recreational water uses are non-consumptive including swimming, fishing, and boating. Golf courses are the biggest recreational water consumer since they require large amounts for irrigation, especially because many courses are located in warm, sunny, desert regions where water is scarce and evaporation is high.
Environmental use of water includes creating wildlife habitat. Lakes are built to create places for fish and water birds (Figure below). Most environmental uses are non-consumptive and account for even a smaller percentage of water use than recreational uses.
Environmental Water Use: Wetlands and other environments depend on clean water to survive. Water shortages are a leading cause of global biodiversity loss.
California has many sources of water (Figure below). The winter snow pack in the Sierra Nevada and other mountain ranges feeds rivers that crisscross the state. Virtually all of these rivers are dammed, some more than once, to supply power and water to the cities and farmlands of the state.
(a) California’s surface water resources include streams with headwaters in and outside the state. (b) Many of California’s rivers feed into the Sacramento River in the northern part of the Central Valley, and the San Joaquin River in the southern portion. Red is vegetation and blue-gray areas are buildings.
Groundwater is also an important source of water in California. In a normal year about 40% of the state’s water supply comes from groundwater. In a drought year, the number can rise to 60% or more. The largest groundwater reservoirs are found in the Central Valley where thousands of years of snow melt has fed the aquifers. In many locations, much more groundwater is used each year than is available to recharge the aquifer. Subsidence of the land is common in these regions.
Despite these vast water sources, the state’s large population and enormous agricultural landscape put a strain on the water supply. Water rights in California are complex and controversial. Although about 75% of the water resources are in the northern one-third of the state, the largest usage, about 80%, is in the southern two-thirds. Besides projects that exist to distribute water within the state, a large source of water is the Colorado River.
California’s population is growing by hundreds of thousands of people a year, but much of the state receives as much annual rainfall as Morocco. With fish populations crashing, global warming, and the demands of the country’s largest agricultural industry, the pressures on our water supply are increasing. Learn more at: http://www.kqed.org/quest/television/state-of-thirst-californias-water-future
1. List the three water uses that consume the most fresh water.
2. How do farmers grow crops when there is no irrigation?
3. Describe why some water uses are called consumptive.
4. Describe drip irrigation and why it wastes less water than irrigating with sprinklers.
5. Explain why water use by humans has increased dramatically in the past century or so.
6. Why do farmers sometimes use more wasteful methods of irrigation than are available?
7. What are some of the positives of aquaculture? Some of the negatives?
8. Describe four consequences of water shortages to people.
9. What is the origin of California’s fresh water sources?
10. Describe why droughts are more serious in the arid regions of the world than in wetter regions.