APA Style Guide 7th Edition
Author Last name, First Initials. (Year and Date of Conference ). Presentation title [description]. Name of conference, location. DOI or URL if available.
Paper Published in Proceedings
Author Last name, First Initials. (Year). Article title. In Editor First Initial, Last Name (Ed.) Name of Proceedings (Page numbers). DOI or URL if available.
Lippold, S., Rach, J. & Fritsch, A. (2020 February 13-14). Study program development: Building a bridge
between tradition and innovation - An unusual approach [Workshop session]. 2020 European Learning
& Teaching Forum, Utrecht, Netherlands .
Ofori, E. & Wu, D. (2018 February 14-16). Video-based learning: Understanding usability, benefits, and
perception of using online educational videos [Poster session]. 2018 Conference on Higher Education
Pedagogy, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Pap er Published in Conference Proceedings
Both, L.E. (2019) Why are some people optimistic while others are not? In C. Pracana & M.
Wang (Eds.), Psychological Applications and Trends 2019 (pp. 33-37). InScience Press.
- List each author alphabetically by the authors last name and first name initial(s) in the order they appeared in the article. Do not include titles, positions, or ranks in the authors name.
- Include the first 20 authors. If you have more then 20 authors include the first 19 and then et al. for the remaining authors.
- Separate the authors by commas and the ampersand "&" sign.
- For conference sessions and poster presentations, in parentheses put the year first, followed by the month and days of the conference separated by a comma. For Example: (2020, July 18-21).
- For papers published in conference proceedings, just list the year in parentheses.
- For conference sessions and poster sessions, italicize the title. Include in brackets, the type of session.
- For papers published in conference proceedings, use regular font.
- The first word of the title and subtitle is capitalized as are proper nouns but all other words are lowercase.
- If a title ends with a question mark or exclamation point, use those punctuation marks instead of a period at the end.
- For conference sessions and poster sessions, use regular font for conference title.
- For papers published in conference proceedings, italicize the conference proceedings title.
- Capitalize all major words.
- List the Editors first initial and last name adding (Ed.) for one editor or (Eds.) for multiple editors after the last name, first initials of the last editor listed.
- For conference proceedings, list the page numbers in parentheses. For example (pp. 125-145).
- For conference proceedings, list the name of the publisher.
- Include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if there is one available
- Omit the DOI if an article doesn't have one
- If an online work has a DOI and a URL, use the DOI
- Present the DOI as a web address. Precede the DOI number with https://doi.org/ For Example: https://doi.org/100.1177/0013916518806686
- For online only sources without a DOI include the URL if available.